Finding Your People: Brooke Hurdle

Brooke Hurdle

Bartender - Loflin Yard

As a bartender at Loflin Yard, Brooke goes the extra mile to make guests feel welcome. One customer who nominated her for the Pick Awards wrote about how Brooke met a group of tourists who’d come to Memphis from Germany for Elvis week: “They asked if she would recommend some other local establishments. She instead loaded them all up in her car and took them on a mini city tour of Memphis famous spots.” 

How long have you been with Loflin Yard?

Five years. 

How long have you been in the hospitality industry?

About 19 years. 

What's your favorite part about working in the industry?

It's fun getting to talk to people. I’ve had so many experiences, especially working downtown, because you meet people from everywhere. It’s really cool. 

What are your top three favorite places to visit in Memphis?

MoSH, Young Avenue Deli, and Crosstown Concourse. 

What's something you learned in the industry or your specific position that has changed your life for the better?

I came into myself through this job, through working and talking to people and being confident in myself. I love that. 

What advice would you give someone who is new to the industry?

Just be yourself. Don't take it too seriously. 

Thank you, Brooke, for your outstanding customer service and welcoming spirit! 

Welcome to Memphis

The Welcome to Memphis mission is to support, train, and recognize the Memphis Hospitality workforce. 


Announcing the 2024 Pick Awards


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