Meet Our People: Welcome To Memphis Board of Directors - Deni Reilly

Deni Reilly

Welcome To Memphis Board of Directors

Deni Reilly’s love for the hospitality industry started in childhood. With a shared knack for entertaining, her whole family spent time together at parties and picnics. At age seven, her parents assigned her and a cousin the task of manning the door and selling tickets to their annual Beer Tasting Parties (back before that was such a thing!). Deni calls the events epic, with hundreds of people, custom merchandise, serious backyard sports competitions, and awards ceremonies. 

“I was pretty much hooked on hospitality from then on even if I didn’t realize it,” she tells us.

Please meet Deni Reilly, co-owner of The Majestic Grille and Cocozza American Italian – and an indispensable member of the WTM Board of Directors! 

How did your career path lead you to where you are today? 

I studied Diversity Training and Corporate Communications at Virginia Tech, which led pretty naturally into the world of hospitality. My first job out of school was with the wonderfully diverse, forward thinking Doubletree Hotel brand. When Doubletree merged with Promus, the then-VP of Sales and Marketing asked me to head up his National Sales Recruiting/Staffing Sales Director positions at hotels throughout the country. I also headed college recruitment efforts for the company. 

In my role, I worked with one of our ownership groups to develop and implement a fast track GM recruitment and training program for Cornell University graduates, was a part of the HR team on the first-ever EEOC audit of a hotel company, and learned valuable lessons on balancing corporate structure with personal and meaningful approaches with employees. I also had the privilege of being on the Corporate Diversity Committee.

I learned at a very young age to be comfortable with gaining trust and a rapport with everyone from entry level employees to GMs to outside vendors to EVPs. It was an invaluable lesson and a great foundation for owning and running restaurants.

What do you find most rewarding about your job?  

It’s definitely the connection with people – whether customers, vendors, or employees. Seeing people truly enjoy something you’ve put your heart and soul into is just as rewarding as watching a team member grow from a host to a manager or a dishwasher to a lead chef.

What do you find most rewarding about being a leader in the Memphis hospitality industry? 

My husband and business partner Patrick and I have always embraced the notion that a career in hospitality is a noble path. It is not just something to do when you’re young or waiting for the next best thing, but it can be and is a truly rewarding and lifelong career. As we’ve watched the Memphis restaurant community grow over the past twenty years, we hope we’ve led by example and shown that this path can lead to a fun, rewarding life.

Why does the Welcome to Memphis mission resonate with you?  

It’s pretty simple. The more of us that embrace our city, tell our city’s stories, and live each day exercising genuine hospitality for our visitors and each other, the better, happier, and more prosperous we all will be.

What do you think the future holds for Welcome to Memphis? 

I am excited about the future of WTM. Our new board members represent a diverse, fresh approach to how hospitality can and should be our biggest asset.

When you have visitors to Memphis, what are three places you always take them?  

Only three!? I’m going to leave out food because I’m biased. So here are my favorite ah-ha moments in Memphis for first time visitors. I always start with the Rock ‘n Soul Museum – it is such a great introduction to the influence Memphis has on music around the world. The Civil Rights Museum is a must-do, followed by a walk to the I Am A Man Plaza at Clayborn Temple. A sunset on the Mississippi cannot be beat – so either a cocktail on the roof of The Peabody following the duck march or a stroll down the beautifully renovated Tom Lee Park to take one in. Sun Studios is my favorite intro to Elvis unless it is around Christmas, then Graceland is a must! There is really too much to list!

 What advice would you give to someone who is new to the hospitality industry?  

Be open and try everything. Learn every aspect of the business. Ask your boss or supervisor to allow you to sit in on extra training or volunteer to represent your company at a non-profit event. The more you learn about all aspects of the industry, the more opportunities will open to you. And look to work for organizations and people who treat you like the professional you are.

Thank you for your wonderful example of leadership in the Memphis hospitality industry, Deni!

Welcome to Memphis

The Welcome to Memphis mission is to support, train, and recognize the Memphis Hospitality workforce. 


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