Finding Your People: Jackie Murray

Jackie Murray

Tour Guide, A Tour of Possibilities

As a tour guide with A Tour of Possibilities, Jackie possesses a deep knowledge and love of Memphis, as well as boundless kindness and enthusiasm. One patron wrote, “We enjoyed Jackie’s tour immensely and would definitely go again. We even learned a bit of history from her that we wouldn't have learned had we not gone on that tour. She even has a great narrating and singing voice, too!” 

How long have you been in the hospitality industry?

Four years now.

Why did you get into the hospitality industry? 

I am an actress and a singer, and I started getting historical bookings. For an event to commemorate the Fort Pillow Massacre, I was booked to sing and read some of the names of those who were slain during that massacre. And that's where I met Carolyn Michael Banks (the owner of A Tour of Possibilities) – she was using the van as part of the procession going into the National Cemetery, where we gave the victims a funeral service. After the event, she talked about how she wasn't able to do all of the office work and still do all the tours. Since I had twenty years of administrative work under my belt, I said, “I can help you with that!” But she said she wanted me to do tours. So the very next day, I started training, and within a month, I was on my own. And I love it. 

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An actress and a singer.

What's your favorite part about working in the industry?

Meeting lots of different people and also changing lives. I find that doing the tours is inspirational. Our tour lets people know that there are endless possibilities. I would hope that our work changes people's mindsets about Memphis as well. Our tours bring the city to life, and customers will write in their review that they gained a whole new perspective on the city.

What are your top three favorite places to visit in Memphis?

Well, I'm a theater girl, and I love the theater community in Memphis. I like to go to the river and I’m excited about Tom Lee Park. And I love to sit at home on my front porch!

Jackie is a great example of the way the hospitality industry invites us to share our passions and talents in unique and surprising ways. Thank you, Jackie, for your love of your hometown, great customer service, and generosity with those who trust you to introduce – or reintroduce – them to Memphis!

Welcome to Memphis

The Welcome to Memphis mission is to support, train, and recognize the Memphis Hospitality workforce. 


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