Finding Your People: Jennifer Carrasco

Jennifer Carrasco

Server - Incredible Pizza

Incredible Pizza is a fun, family-friendly spot with an all-American atmosphere. The 1950s themed diner offers an all-you-can-eat buffet with something for everyone – including, of course, some delicious pizza. Employees at the restaurant need to be friendly, outgoing, and prepared for the day.

Jennifer Carrasco is just 16 and working at Incredible Pizza is her first job. She admits to some nerves, but says the environment is so much fun and her co-workers are, too! Plus, she has learned some important lessons in the six months that she has worked here. 

Let’s hear what Jennifer Carrasco has to share! 

What have you learned so far in this position?

I've learned that you need a lot of patience, not only dealing with your own schedule as a party host – we host a lot of parties back-to-back! But you also need patience with guests. I’ve learned to be careful, to watch what I do and say carefully. You might think that what you say or do won’t affect somebody else, but it does.

What advice would you give to somebody else who's coming to be in your position?

I would say that as long as you're very friendly and have a lot of patience, you can do anything! 

What is one of your favorite things to do in Memphis?

The Pyramid downtown is really pretty at night. I love going there.

You’re right – it’s gorgeous at night, Jennifer!



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