Making a Masterpiece: Lorne Green

Lorne Green

Server, Charlie Vergos' Rendezvous

Lorne Green has worked at Charlie Vergos’ Rendezvous for nineteen years. Guests who nominated Lorne for the Pick Awards noted his friendly attitude and customer service. “This server is one of the legends of the Rendezvous,” one nominator wrote. “He has always provided great service and hospitality, and makes the Rendezvous feel like home.” Another nominator wrote, “Lorne is always willing to help out in any way possible. It has been a privilege to trust Lorne with the many parties that I have booked for The Vous over the years.” 

Lorne’s dedication to providing guests with excellent customer service makes him a great choice for the second of our 2024 Quarterly Pick Awards!

Tell us about your day-to-day experience here at the Rendezvous? 

The atmosphere here is wonderful. I’ve got some wonderful coworkers and some great bosses. I get to meet celebrities, visitors to Memphis, as well as very unique people from Memphis. Rendezvous is iconic when it comes to barbecue, so working here is a wonderful experience. 

Could you tell us about a time you were able to create a memorable experience for your guests?

I've waited on some children who were patients at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital before. We take care of St. Jude patients – we don’t charge them at all. Knowing that their families come in here, and they are in good hands, and that we treat them like family – that means a lot. We understand what they're going through and we wish them the best. 

Also I think about guests who come in who have never eaten barbecue before. They come in here and try our ribs. They will say, “This is so wonderful.” And I'm just glad they chose the Rendezvous for that experience. 

What advice would you give to somebody who's new to the hospitality industry?

First off, my advice is that this industry takes hard work and dedication. You’ve got to crawl before you can walk. Just keep striving. Don't give up and keep going. I try to mentor the generation that’s coming up now. I tell the busboys that I was in their shoes once, and I know what it’s like. I look back from where I’m at now, and I’m glad I chose the right path.

What's your go-to order?

My go-to order here is the ribs and brisket combo. 

Thank you, Lorne, for your dedication to serving guests at the Rendezvous! 

Welcome to Memphis

The Welcome to Memphis mission is to support, train, and recognize the Memphis Hospitality workforce. 


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