Creating an Experience: Bill Webb, Jr.

Bill Webb, Jr.

Tour Guide

Bill Webb, Jr. has the perfect background for his job as tour guide for Historical Haunts: he has been a paranormal investigator since 1987! Although he’s only been on the job for a few months, he’s made a great impression. Visitors on his Historical Haunts tour describe him as a wonderful ambassador for the city, with many stories, memories, and experiences to share. Guests love the personal touch Bill brings to the tour – and one vouches for his extraordinary ability to connect with the paranormal!

Read more to find out about Bill Webb, Jr., our third Quarterly Pick Award Nominee for Tour Guides in 2023!

How did you get started in the hospitality industry giving tours?

A friend of mine was guiding tours and let me know about them. I told her that I should be doing them, and she agreed because she was using some of my stories! So I got in touch with the people who run the tours, and they brought me on.

Can you tell me about one of your favorite experiences that you were able to create for a guest on one of your tours?

Yes, actually, this one has gotten pretty popular. At the beginning of every tour, I always ask if anyone is a skeptic. On this particular tour, a woman raised her hand and looked me dead in the eye. She said, “I am.” And she was also a history professor at a big university. 

The tour went to one house that I investigated several years ago, and there's some weird family history involved in this place. There was no paranormal activity, but at the end of the visit to the house, I thanked the owner even though she wasn't there. I said, “I'm sorry that we showed up to your house unannounced. We want to thank you for letting us stand on your front porch to try to communicate with you.”

I had my EMF meters, and as we turned around, the meters went all the way to red, which is unusual. It was night, it was dark, and the door was closed – but we heard a little knock on the door. The woman on the tour had eyes as big as saucers. It kind of freaked her out because she was dead set on being skeptical.

I got goosebumps. It was bizarre. It has never happened to any of the other tour guides. I think that this particular spirit recognized me, knows who I am because I'd been in that house before. It was actually pretty cool. 

What advice would you give to someone else who wants to take a docent role and give tours around Memphis?

Read the history of the city and don't deviate from it. It is weird here. It is weird enough just telling the truth. Don't bend it, because your lie will come back to you.

A scarily good story from an amazing tour guide! Thanks, Bill!

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