Creating an Experience: Logan Lurry

Logan Lurry

 Guest Services Representative

Walking into the Memphis Zoo is a wonderful experience as guests are greeted by the sights, sounds, and yes, the smells of animals of all kinds! A smiling human face is always a cheerful sight, however, and Guest Services representative Logan Lurry is on hand to make sure visitors are engaged and feel welcome. His prior experience in retail and rentals at the Zoo has come in handy, as he was often the first point of contact when people arrived. “I understood that I needed to be the first thing that made their visit worthwhile,” he says. “If they are in a bad mood, I need to help them flip that.”

We can understand why Logan is our third Quarterly Honoree for Attractions in 2023!

Can you tell us about a specific experience where you've been able to create a lasting impact or a memory for somebody?

The Zoo got Scooter Pals (small, furry, animal-shaped scooters, available seasonally) last year, which were very popular. It was very cool when I saw regular visitors – it got to the point where I knew them on a first-name basis and they knew me. There was one man who came in a lot and had his little kid with him. And I think the coolest thing was the kid came and just screamed “Logan” across the courtyard because he saw me. I was really happy to know that I'm remembered by visitors as opposed to just being another employee. 

How did you get started off in the hospitality industry? 

Believe it or not, this was my first job out of college. I went to Christian Brothers and they do a good job of instilling in students the importance of helping your community. I thought if I worked at the zoo, I'll help Memphis and help people who come to Memphis by giving them a reason to come back, to the zoo in particular. I really credit what Christian Brothers did in terms of teaching me what it means to serve your community. And even more so, I credit my family. My father has been a mentor his whole life, and my biggest role model.

What advice would you give to somebody who is new to the industry?

Always be optimistic. In this industry, you're going to meet a lot of people who have a lot of different attitudes; always try to be that one positive thing they encounter. Try to be that smiling face for them. Connect with people as much as you can. 

Can you give me the top three places in Memphis that you like to spend your time?

Well, the Zoo is number one. I chose to work here for a reason. Two would be the National Civil Rights Museum. I am a huge history geek, especially when it comes to African American history. I love spending time there, relishing all the information, and finding little new bits of information that can change the way you see things. And then I do love the MoSH Museum. I’ve been going there since I was a kid – I took countless field trips there. There's just something about museums. I just love being able to walk around history and take it all in.

What is one of your favorite exhibits at one of those places?

I went to MoSH, and found myself really loving the medical history exhibit they just did. There was a section that talked about us during the Yellow Fever pandemic from, I think, 1918. It was interesting to see how Memphis handled it and compare it to the pandemic that we just had. That stood out for me. 

Your great attitude and advice stands out to us, Logan! Thanks for sharing your insights!

Welcome to Memphis

The Welcome to Memphis mission is to support, train, and recognize the Memphis Hospitality workforce. 


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