Finding Your People: Will Jasper

Will Jasper

Server/Bartender Huey’s

Will Jasper has been a server and bartender at Huey’s on Poplar for nine years. A 2023 Quarterly Pick Award Honoree for Restaurants, Will is known for being friendly and making everyone around him feel seen and appreciated. Will is dedicated to his job and the patrons he serves, providing caring, outstanding service to everyone he meets. 

Meet Will Jasper!

How long have you been working at Huey’s, and what is your position here?

Nine years, and I am a server and bartender. 

What's one of your favorite things about working at Huey’s?

My management team, especially Mackenzie Carson. She's a great manager. She's not only a great leader, but she's kind, friendly, and knows how to solve a problem. She makes my life a lot easier.

What's one of your favorite memories about working at Huey’s?

Oh, there are too many favorite memories. This place is like a family to me.They always say if you don’t have anyone else, you’ve got us. That’s just been true time and time again. Everybody looks out for one another. We like to hang out, even outside of work. We look out for each other. 

What advice would you give to somebody new in the industry?

Remember our work is about accommodating people. Just be kind. 

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Will!

Welcome to Memphis

The Welcome to Memphis mission is to support, train, and recognize the Memphis Hospitality workforce. 


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