Brightening Someone’s Day: Noah Lee

Noah Lee

Seasonal Crew Member, Shelby Farms Park

Noah Lee has worked as a seasonal crew member at Shelby Farms Park for four and a half years. On any given day, that typically means getting bike and boat rentals ready for guests – though, as Noah tells us, he occasionally gets some surprising requests! 

Can you tell us about a funny or memorable experience you’ve had in this role? 

I remember one day a person brought their lizard to the park and he wanted to get on a boat. And at first we were like: A lizard. That's kind of weird. Usually, it's dogs, but we let him get on with a lizard. Everything went okay! I was honestly scared that the lizard would jump out and get free. But the guest came back with his lizard on his shoulder.

 What advice would you give to somebody who's looking at getting a job here? 

I would tell them that it's really a good job. Everybody is nice, whether it's the team or the customers. They're here just to get their walk in and be in nature, and so everybody's just super chill. 

What advice would you give to someone working in your role? 

I would tell them to always smile, always have a good attitude, and always to be honest, because those three things will really go a long way. 

What places in Memphis do you like to recommend to guests when they come through? 

It might sound biased because I work here, but I really like Shelby Farms. I come here not only to work, but to exercise too, and go for runs. I also like to go to the Bass Pro Shop in the Pyramid, and I love Central Barbecue. My go-to order is the baby back ribs with some mashed potatoes. 

Thank you, Noah, for sharing your experience working with Shelby Farms Park! 

Welcome to Memphis

The Welcome to Memphis mission is to support, train, and recognize the Memphis Hospitality workforce. 


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