Finding Your People: Will Jasper

Will Jasper

Will Jasper - Huey’s

As a bartender and server working at Huey’s for the last nine years, Will Jasper is known for his friendly, kind, and easygoing attitude. Customers who nominated him for the Annual Pick Awards cited his engaging personality, his efficiency, and his calm demeanor. 

But this year, Will truly went above and beyond when a Huey’s customer began to choke. Will jumped into action and performed the Heimlich maneuver on the patron. Another customer who was at Huey’s that night wrote, “A few moments later, the food was dislodged from the patron’s airway, and he could breathe again. Who knows how the situation would’ve ended up without Will’s quick reaction that night? Without a doubt in my mind, Will saved that man’s life.” 

Will Jasper received the Michelle Land Award, which is presented to one nominee annually and is named after hospitality veteran Michelle Land, the first Pick Award winner. 

What is your favorite part about working in the hospitality industry? 

I would say friends, the relationships that build upon working, helping with other people's problems, having somebody always to fall back on. I'm not a morning person and neither are my coworkers, but once you start working together, you get into a groove, and you’re all in it together. It becomes very family-oriented. 

What advice would you give someone who’s brand new to the hospitality industry? 

Take criticism with a grain of salt and always do it with a smile. 

Tell us about the night you performed the Heimlich maneuver on a choking customer. 

A customer started choking, and I hopped out behind the bar, did the Heimlich maneuver, gave him a pat on the butt and said, “See you back in the game!” I got him a to-go box and kept on making drinks! 

What are your top three favorite places to visit in Memphis? 

Probably Brookhaven Pub & Grill, Patrick's, and Half Shell. All restaurants. 

One of Will’s regular customers wrote, “Even as a nurse, I was blown away at how quickly and efficiently Will jumped into action, as everyone stared in fear. Will has been an amazing worker for years, but this year he’s a hero!”

Congratulations, Will, and thank you for jumping into action! 

Welcome to Memphis

The Welcome to Memphis mission is to support, train, and recognize the Memphis Hospitality workforce. 


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