Teaching Something New: Debra Gladney

Debra Gladney

Docent - National Civil Rights Museum

As a docent at the National Civil Rights Museum, Debra loves sharing history and experiences with her guests. In fact, she made such a big impression on out-of-town Museum visitors that even the President of the Museum heard about it – and shared it with the entire staff! “The guests stopped by on a day the Museum was closed, but Debra took the time to speak with them in the courtyard and share a bit about the Museum and some of her personal story. The visitors were inspired by Debra’s kindness and made a contribution to the Museum in her honor. Kudos to Debra, and what a great reminder that our acts have an impact on the people who come to the National Civil Rights Museum."

Meet the 2022 Annual Pick Award Winner for Attractions, Debra Gladney!

How long have you been in the hospitality industry? 

I’ve been at the Civil Rights Museum since March 2022.

What is your favorite part of the hospitality industry? 

The visitors because they come from all across the county and are so enthused about the National Civil Rights Museum and the role that Memphis played in the civil rights movement.

What’s one positive memory of a guest experience that sticks out to you? 

Well, I once met a couple in the museum, in the rendition of the Fred Pettis bridge, and the husband was crying. He apologized for the role that so many people played during the civil rights era. He said, “I read about it, I heard about it, but to actually see a visual representation of it, makes me understand what African Americans went through during the segregation days.” 

What are three things in Memphis you would recommend to visitors to see or eat while they are in town? 

Of course the National Civil Rights Museum, Graceland, and Central BBQ.

Can you give us any tips for success for anyone entering the hospitality industry as a career?

Kindness! It costs nothing to be kind. Even if you’re having a bad day, even if you’re going through your struggles in life, an act of kindness goes a long way.

We agree! Thank you for your own beautiful examples of kindness, Debra!

Welcome to Memphis

The Welcome to Memphis mission is to support, train, and recognize the Memphis Hospitality workforce. 


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