2024 Annual Pick Award Winner - Mary Schmitz Leadership Award, Robert Shindler

Robert Shindler

Central Station Hotel

Named in honor of Welcome to Memphis’ founding Executive Director, the Mary Schmitz Leadership Award recognizes exemplary leadership. Described by a colleague as “the definition of hospitality,” Robert Shindler is a shining example of outstanding leadership. The colleague went on to say that Robert goes out of his way to make everyday special for his team and his hotel. As a member of Central Station Hotel’s Pride Committee and its Ambassador program, Robert creates events to recognize and reward hotel staff. His colleague concluded, “Robert is an excellent leader. He cares for his team and clients and he goes out of his way to show care on a daily basis! He is definitely one of a kind.” 

Tell us about your role at Central Station Hotel. 

I’m the Director of Banquets and Special Events. I’ve worked at Central Station Hotel for two years, but I’ve worked in the hospitality industry for about twenty years. 

How did you get into the hospitality industry? 

I started out at Chic-Fil-A when I was fourteen. After that, I moved on to hotels. I just found that I had a passion for hospitality. I like making people happy, and I like to make people's moments memorable. 

What’s your favorite part about working in the industry?

Changing people's lives. Giving my employees opportunities. And helping make people's weddings and special events memorable. 

What are your top three places to visit in Memphis? 

Central Station, Old Dominick Distillery, and Grizzlies games at the FedEx Forum. 

What is something you've learned in your position that has changed your life for the better? 

Take care of your employees, coach them, give them opportunities, and uplift them so they can be managers themselves. 

What advice would you give to somebody who was new to the industry? 

Just keep on working, because you can go far. Stay at it, stay busy, and follow your dreams.  

Robert’s exceptional skills, expertise, and attention to detail made him an obvious choice for this year’s Mary Schmitz Leadership Award! 

Welcome to Memphis

The Welcome to Memphis mission is to support, train, and recognize the Memphis Hospitality workforce. 


The APCE Annual Event - Jan 29 – Feb 1


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